Welcome to My Bootstrap 4 Demo
Pursuing web and software development as a profession requires a strong set of skills that spans many different domains. As part of my ongoing effort to refine and demonstrate my skills in a number of different areas of web and software development, I will be publishing a series of projects which explore these various subjects.
For this project, I focused on Bootstrap 4. Aesthetics are important to any project on the web, and Bootstrap offers a powerful and developer-friendly way to create user facing content. Bootstrap’s efficient workflow, immense popularity, and responsive design inspired me to put this project together.
Because I wanted to focus on Bootstrap for this project, I decided to build out the website using plain HTML and have hosted the project GitHub Pages. For my implementation of Bootstrap 4, I’ve used Bootstrap’s source files which allowed me to implement some custom theming using SCSS. Following Bootstrap’s recommendations, I’ve also used Autoprefixer, PostCSS, and the PostCSS CLI to add vendor prefixes to my final CSS file. I’m always open to feedback on any of my projects - please feel free to reach out any time to share your thoughts on my work!
"Originally created by a designer and a developer at Twitter, Bootstrap has become one of the most popular front-end frameworks and open source projects in the world."
Bootstrap's classes allow developers to efficiently implement stunning designs without having to hop between multiple files or write large amounts of CSS.
Bootstrap’s immense popularity with companies of all sizes has created a huge community of developers that work with the framework.
Bootstrap is responsive and is built with mobile-first design in mind which allows developers to create applications that look great on any device.
Here, I do an API call to source.unsplash.com using the JavaScript Fetch API to retrieve a random 500px x 500px image which I then position and round using Bootstrap.